… que “The Indian Queen: Longways for as Many as Will”, de John Playford (1651) contiene la melodía del inicio de la serie de “Pippi Langstrumpf”.
Continue Reading2023-02-23
… que no” también tenemos que registrar la presencia de los supersticiosos, que no se contentan con ignorar, sino que saben lo que no es” “De la Tierra a la Luna”, de Jules Verne
Continue Reading2022-01-24
Technological change is a game against nature rather than against other players, what von Neumann and Morgenstern have called a “Crusoe game”. Invention occurs at the level of the individual, and we should address the factors that determine individual creativity. Individuals, however, do not live in a vacuum. What makes them implement, improve, and adapt […]
Continue Reading15/III/21
… que hay una cierta gracia en querer ser de mayor “entomólogo”
Continue Reading18/VIII/20
… what’s Pareto efficiency.
Continue Reading24/VI/20
” These days the desire seems to be for near-real time analytics. I’m skeptical of the value of this. Often when analyzing data trends you don’t need to react right away, and your thinking improves when you give it time for a proper mulling. Reacting too quickly leads to a form of information panic, where […]
Continue Reading24/IV/19
… que uno puede eliminar un sistema operativo de manera remota (ssh) tal y como aquí se describe. Acceder como root en caso de que después no se pueda hacer sudo $ sudo -s # mkdir /dev/shm/proc # mount -t proc proc /dev/shm/proc Ver qué filesystems están montados, y desmontar todos los que no sean […]
Continue Reading7/XI/18
… that to see the hash for the present commit in git one can use: git rev-parse –verify HEAD or, otherwise use tags git describe –tags
Continue Reading28/I/18
… por qué systemd está apareciendo tanto últimamente…
Continue Reading5/I/18
… algunos verbos en ruso
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