
… que mi ex jefe sale en un libro titulado: “Our Quantum World and Reincarnation”, by Milton Brener.
Y me quedo con estas citas [la negrita es mia] :

Things are changing fast this century, and the direction of current research clearly points in favor of both assumptions. Morgan Mitchell is a professor at the International Computer Room Expert Association [ICREA???] of the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies [ICREA].


But there is still more. Vladan Vuletic is the Lester Wolfe Professor in MIT’s Department of Physics. […] If Dr. Wolfe is correct, and there appears thus far no reason to doubt him, […]


If I may vastly simplify his methodology, he relies on a constat knows as Avogordo’s number which allows him to determine the number of molecules based on an object’s mass.
Does any of this prove that the atoms, entangled though they might be, according to the laws of Quantum Physics are the answer to the riddle of youngsters who speak of previous life? Of course it does not. Perhaps however it demonstrates that in the current state of knowledge, it could be an answer. Undoubtedly someone, some time, could disprove the possibility. But perhaps someone could prove it to the contrary, that it is indeed the answer, or something close to it.

