
… que dentro del problema de pocos cuerpos las ecuaciones de Faddeev describen el sistema de tres cuerpos con interacciones en mecánica cuántica. También descubrí la existencia de las ecuaciones de SkorniakovTer-Martirosian.

And that in the description of many-body quantum systems, one tries to reduce the problem to a single-particle description (mean field), but that there are examples in which beyond-mean-field effects are indispensable (e.g. spin nematic states, charge 4e superconductivity [Berg et al. Nature 2009],tunneling through a resonant level [Geim PRL 1994] or the orthogonal catastrophe)

Ah! And that the orthogonality catastrophe can be “simply” stated as saying that the initial state and ta weakly perturbed state with a macroscopic number of atoms are orthogonal. The same as saying that 0.99999^N~0, with N macroscopic.
